Body | Mind | Spirit

It takes a lot to get the most out of your Pilates work out. There are countless elements that we embody into each workout but the main ones we like to call Body Mind Spirit. This concept is incorporated into each session at Simply Pilates because we feel it is essential achieving a good work out.

Body Mid Spirit focuses on the following:

  • Body- Is the physical work you do to strengthen your core through Pilates.

  • Mind- The thought it takes to get through a strong work out while incorporating things like breathing.

  • Spirit- How you feel after the completion of a good strong work out.

This is the type of workout out you can expect at Simply Pilates. Contact us for more information or simply schedule a class online!

Through the Pilates Method of Body Conditioning this unique trinity of a balanced body, mind and spirit can ever be attained. Self-confidence follows.” - Joseph Pilates

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