
At Simply Pilates we offer the type of classes you would expect from an experienced Pilates Studio. We are proud to offer the following type of classes:

  • Reformer-The reformer makes a dramatic impression when you first see it, and an even more dramatic change to your body when you use it!

  • Chair-The Pilates chair is a versatile piece of equipment offering a large range of exercises, all designed to help strengthen your core and give you an excellent work out.

  • Mat-The Pilates Mat was designed to be the foundation of a Pilates Workout. It uses the same techniques as the equipment while improving Body, Mind & Spirit.


If your interested in one of our classes we offer both single (private) classes as well as duel classes using whichever piece of equipment you like! Reach out to us to schedule your class today!

“In 10 sessions you’ll feel different, in 20 sessions you’ll look different, in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body.”

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